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Help make Spearfishing legal in Wisconsin

Sign the Petition

I would like to voice my support for the legalization of regulated game-focused spearfishing in the waters of Wisconsin. I encourage local law makers and stewards of natural resources to consider a spearfishing season and licensure program similar to that passed recently in Michigan. I believe spearfishing is an essential part of fishing, hunting, and outdoorsmanship in Wisconsin, contributes positively to resource conservation efforts through increased attention towards critical fish habitats and ecosystems, and can fit within existing take limits and regulations.

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Why is Spearfishing attractive as a fishing method?

The mindset of a spearfisherman is that of the hunter and naturalist. He wants to connect himself with the natural world while becoming a direct participant in the food chain in a sustainable way. When a spearfisherman enters the water, his goal is to provide food for himself and those close to him while immersing himself in the fish's environment.


Is Spearfishing 
ecologically viable?

Yes - Spearfishing uniquely is selective and low-impact. Spearfishermen only interact with fish they plan to harvest and leave the rest alone.

Unlike conventional angling, spearfishing leaves no waste and has no bycatch. No undersized fish or endangered populations are targeted or accidently handled and when a spearfisherman leaves the water, he leaves no fishing line, lead sinkers, or hooks behind. 


Is Spearfishing ethical?

Beyond reduced environmental impact and bycatch relative to other fishing methods, spearfishermen take great care to quickly dispatch their catch and don't risk hooks catching or ripping out gills or soft tissue as anglers do. Spearfishing is an intimate experience in which respect is shown to each fish caught and harvested for food. 

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Is game-focused Spearfishing already taking place in other Great Lake states?

Yes - Michigan recently began a successful game fish spearfishing trial period. You can learn more about this below: 
Great Lakes Spearfishing
Michigan Out-of-Doors
The Wild Where You Are (Catch & Cook)

If you're curious to learn more or want to get involved, send us a note at

What is Spearfishing?

Underwater spearfishing is a sport and food harvesting method unlike any other. It combines the rigors of freediving with the challenges and excitement of hunting. A spearfisherman, armed with a band-powered speargun or polespear, holds their breath and dives to the bottom of an ocean, lake, or river in pursuit of fish. Once on the bottom, the spearfisherman must use available cover and relaxed body language to approach his target fish. After a fish is harvested, it is used to provide food for the spearfisherman and his family.

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